Staff EnergyVille occupies new building EnergyVille at Thor park in Waterschei


Today the personell of EnergyVille worked for the first time in the new building in Waterschei. In total 200 energy researchers moved from their former work spaces in Mol or Leuven to Waterschei. This way EnergyVille literally unites the Flemish Energy research under one roof. The spacious building, the new research facilities and the beautiful environment were well received. Researcher Jeroen Büscher: ‘We were already working together for a while now, but this building really demonstrates the added value of this collaboration. Inspiring!’ The building was realised with the support of the European Fund for Regional Development, the Flemish Government, POM Limburg, the city of Genk and LRM

EnergyVille is a collaboration between the Flemish research partners KU Leuven, VITO, imec and UHasselt in the field of sustainable energy and intelligent energy systems. Our researchers provide expertise to industry and public authorities on energy-efficient buildings and intelligent networks for a sustainable urban environment. This includes, for example, smart grids and advanced district heating and cooling.

One of the objectives of EnergyVille is to become one of the top five European institutes in innovative energy research. In this context, the center was embedded in major national and international networks right from the start. It covers research, development, training and innovative industrial activities under one name and in close collaboration with local, regional and international partners.

EnergyVille aims to be a driver in the Thor science park in Genk in the areas of research, business development and employment creation. In Thor industrial park we form a pole of attraction for energy companies so that entrepreneurship, innovation, new economic fabric and ultimately a new market around renewable energy is created. The research center is supported by the city of Genk, the Flemish Government, the Province of Limburg, LRM, Nuhma, POM Limburg and the European structural funds.