DC nanogrids

DC nanogrids have become a topic of interest as the energy landscape evolves. For decades, AC technology has been the standard for electricity grids in buildings and districts. However, with the ongoing energy transition and the rise of decentralized energy generation, efficient technologies, and electrification in heating and transport, questions arise about the suitability of the existing AC-based approach.

At EnergyVille we are therefore actively exploring the potential of low-voltage DC technology while carefully considering safety concerns. To achieve this, we have established a 750 V / 100 kW bipolar DC nanogrid at the building level (distinct from wide area microgrids) within our Home Lab. This lab offers a flexible, reconfigurable test environment for DC components and systems and is unique in Flanders. Our current focus lies in developing robust safeguards and effective management strategies to ensure the stable and flexible operation of the DC nanogrid in different environments (see also research line electrical networks).