VITO/EnergyVille as a key partner of the European Environment Agency in the European Topic Centre on Climate Change Mitigation

EnergyVille/VITO is the coordinator of the European Topic Centre on Climate Change Mitigation (ETC-CM). A project that brings together 15 partners from 10 different European countries. The ETC-CM processes, aggregates and analyses key data and information on EU greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy and energy efficiency. As such, the ETC-CM monitors the EU’s progress towards meeting its climate and energy targets and provides key insights and knowledge to accelerate the transition to a climate neutral society.
European Topic Centres are centres of thematic expertise that are designated by the European Environment Agency (EEA) following a Europe-wide competitive selection process. European Topic Centres work as an extension of the EEA in specific topic areas. Together with the EEA member and co-operating countries, the Topic Centres facilitate provision of data, information and knowledge, and deliver reports and other services to the EEA and its European Information and Observation Network (Eionet). Today, there are seven European Topic Centres in place to support the EEA in their mandate.
The European Topic Centre on Climate Change Mitigation (ETC-CM) consists of 15 partners from 10 different countries. VITO has been a partner in this ETC since 2014 and has taken over the overall coordinating role since 2019.
The ETC-CM collects, quality-checks, compiles, and reports on key data and information on EU greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and transport. This data is used for further analyses and assessments, for example to track the progress the EU and individual countries are making in achieving climate, energy, and transport objectives. The consortium will also monitor the implementation and effects of climate-relevant policies and measures in the energy, transport, buildings, agriculture, and forestry sector and there trade-offs and synergies with other environmental issues, such as air pollution. The ETC-CM will finally develop knowledge on solutions to address environmental and sustainability challenges in the energy and mobility systems to accelerate the transition to a climate neutral society.
The EEA report ‘EEA Report ‘Trends and projections in Europe 2021′ with input from EnergyVille/VITO presents an analysis of the EU progress towards the 2020 and 2030 targets for climate and energy.