PROMOTioN: Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks

ProjectElectrical networks

PROMOTioN seeks to develop meshed HVDC offshore grids on the basis of cost-effective and reliable technological innovation in combination with a sound political, financial and legal regulatory framework.


A meshed European offshore transmission grid connecting offshore wind farms to shore could provide significant financial, technical and environmental benefits to the European electricity market. Launched in January 2016, PROMOTioN aims to explore and identify these potential benefits.

The main objective of PROMOTioN is the further development and demonstration of four key technologies: multi-vendor HVDC (high-voltage direct current) grid protection systems, HVDC network control systems, long duration testing of HVDC GIS (gas insulated switchgear) and full power testing of HVDC circuit breakers. Complementary to this, a regulatory and financial framework will be developed for the coordinated planning, construction and operation of integrated offshore infrastructures, including an offshore grid deployment plan (roadmap) for the future offshore grid system in Europe.


PROMOTioN actively addresses the following objectives:

  • Identify requirements for energy infrastructure priority corridors
    The requirements embrace a broad range of issues, such as the design, development and deployment of the energy infrastructure from a technical, financial, regulatory, managerial and policy perspective.
  • Facilitate agreement among operators and manufacturers
    Manufacturers and operators need to agree on architectures, control structures and interfaces in order to ensure interoperability and multi-vendor compatibility of equipment.
  • Demonstrate cost-effective HVDC grid technologies
    Full-scale and industrially relevant demonstrations will be carried out of novel & innovative components required to enable the realisation of meshed HVDC transmission grids:
    –    HVDC circuit breakers
    –    HVDC gas insulated switchgear
    –    HVDC network protection systems
    –    HVDC network control strategies
    –    Harmonic performance of wind turbine generators
  • Prepare the first phase for deployment of innovative components…
    … of interoperable meshed offshore HVDC network technologies, services, tools and architectures.
  • Propose market rules and revenue streams…
    … to help establish a suitable package of financial resources.
  • Propose regulations for permitting and environmental compatibility
    PROMOTioN aims to set up a regulatory framework for the operation and management of meshed offshore grids governing legal, technical, and market-related aspects

The Role of EnergyVille

Within PROMOTioN, the KU Leuven/EnergyVille team conducts research into HVDC grid security. This research aims to further develop the most appropriate DC grid protection methodologies for various system topologies.

Dirk van Hertem

Coordinator Electrical Systems

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