
OneNet, the largest Horizon2020 research project in the field of TSO-DSO-Consumer market integration, involves 72 partners from 23 countries. The key elements of the project are 1) a common market design for Europe, including harmonized products, services and market models, 2) definition of a common IT architecture, 3) verification of the unique integrated solutions in large multi-country field tests. Within OneNet, VITO leads the work on product-and market design, including the realization of a European roadmap with recommendations for harmonised flexibility services, products and markets in support of active system management.
Context & goals
The electrical grid is moving from a fully centralized to a highly decentralized system, forcing grid operators to radically adjust current operations to accommodate the smart grid of the future. The two major associations of grid operators in Europe, ENTSO-E and EDSO, have put together a unique consortium with the goal to define a unified European vision for an integrated energy system, supporting a new generation of grid services with a seamless near real-time integration of all actors, across countries, maximizing consumer participation while respecting the technical constraints of the grid.
Used methods & techniques
During the first year of the project, VITO was responsible for the development of harmonized flexibility products for system services (both TSO and DSO), based on active and reactive power. Starting from an extensive literature/project survey of existing or proposed flexibility products for frequency and non-frequency services, a set of harmonized flexibility products (including technical specifications) has been developed and discussed iteratively via multiple surveys and workshops with system operators within and outside the OneNet consortium.
Insights & value provided
The final outcome of the analysis resulted in
- An overview of future system services needed in a high RES system
- Mapping of these services with future flexibility products, including technical specifications,
- Recommendations on preferred procurement mechanisms to acquire the respective flexibility products, taking on board the technical specifications of the service and/or limitations of potential service providers,
- Recommendations on the balance between harmonized flexibility products within (e.g. congestion and balancing) and between countries.
- Innovative/disruptive ideas on product and market design that go beyond traditional thinking.