EDIH-EBE – European Digital Innovation Hub- Energy in the Built Environment

ProjectBuildings & districts

The European Digital Innovation Hub- Energy in the Built Environment (EDIH-EBE) is aimed to deliver services on digitalization to companies and public sector organizations active in the field of energy and the construction sector. Services that are available are events bringing together the ecosystem with focus on innovations (info sessions, match making, co-creation, visits, …); trainings, courses, job placement, traineeships; meet the expert and small demos in digital, physical and living labs; support to find investments; international collaboration.

Digital Europe has recently launched a network of over 100 digital innovation hubs focusing on artificial intelligence, high performance computing and cybersecurity but also on digitalization in the broad sense. Most of those hubs focus on a specific domain or sector. The EDIH-EBE located in Thor Park in Genk (Belgium) and active since 1st November 2022 is set up for delivering services to companies (in particular SME’s) and public sector organizations directly or indirectly active in the cross-cutting field of energy and the built environment (building, districts, cities). The aim is to accelerate the uptake of digitalization in the construction sector.

A one-stop-hub ‘gate to digital’ will be established at the EnergyVille 1 building at Thor Park. Services related to testing and technological advice (‘meet-the-experts’) are provided by the EnergyVille research partners VITO, KU Leuven, UHasselt and imec. Digital, physical as well as living labs are available. Flux 50 is organizing activities in their virtual reality lab. VITO in close collaboration with Nuhma/MyCSN will elaborate data platforms. T2-campus in collaboration with SyntraPXL together with the sector organizations Embuild Limburg and Flanders, Techlink and Flux 50 are coordinating the guidance to existing trainings and courses as well as the development of new innovative ones in close collaboration with UHasselt and KU Leuven. VDAB is an associated partner for job placement and traineeships. Support for investments via matchmaking, coaching, venture capital networks, ….is coordinated by POM Limburg while access is organized via Embuild and Flux 50. The ecosystem for innovation is created by the Embuild partners making use of info sessions, match making events, co-creation workshops, visits, etc…

Companies and public sector organizations with EU ambitions can participate at meet-and-peek sessions and matchmaking events throughout the EU area organized by Flux 50 and Embuild Flanders. Many of those services will be accessible for free, others will be at strong reduced prices for SME’s (check EU definition for compliance!).

European Digital Innovation Hub – Energy in the built Environment (EDIH EBE) project no. 101083326. Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Digital Europe Program. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The project receives additional support from the city of Genk, the province of Limburg, the climate company Nuhma and the implementing project partners. The offered services are subject to the de-minimis legislation on state aid.

Dr. Irena Kondratenko

Senior Project Manager – manager EDIH-EBE
+3214 33 58 06

Johan Vangrunderbeek

Account Manager Flemish Industry – coordinator business development EDIH-EBE
+3214 33 57 32