Assessment of updated NECPS and biennial NECPRS

ProjectEnergy strategies and markets

Support to the assessment of the Member States’ biennial energy and climate progress reports (NECPRs), the preparation of the Commission’s progress assessment report under the Governance Regulation and under the Climate Law and the Commission’s assessment of the draft and final updated national energy and climate plans (NECPs).

The regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union and climate action provides for an integrated approach to governance and monitoring of energy- and climate- related actions at European, regional, national and local level. It requires that Member States update their integrated NECPs and reporting on progress of implementing their NECPs. To ensure that the objectives and targets of the Energy Union are delivered successfully, it is vital that Member States’ plans are developed and updated consistently to a high quality, and that NECPRs identify the progress of implementation. In addition, under the Climate Law, Member States must demonstrate continuous progress on climate adaptation by adopting and implementing national adaptation strategies and plans, and by reporting on the current state of adaptation. The Commission is required to assess the NECPs, NECPRs, and adaptation reporting, and may issue recommendations. The purpose of this contract is to support the Commission in discharging this responsibility.

Role of EnergyVille

Energyville contributes in designing the methodology for assessing the policies and measures compared to the targets and objectives and for the further assessments in frame of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Energyville also reviews the NECPRs and draft and final updated NECPs of 4 Member States.


Contact at EnergyVille
Ils Moorkens
Researcher: Expert energy and climate policy