PATHOPT: design optimization for district heating networks

PATHOPT is an optimization toolbox for thermal networks that can automatically determine the optimal network layout based on specific geographical information.

PATHOPT provides data:

  • Automatic, fast and accurate
  • Based on geographical input
  • Up to city level
  • With economic and energetic output targets
  • From multiple production sources
  • Accounting for seasonal variations in heat production and demand

With a minimal input of the geographic location and preferable input of both production plant characteristics (location, power & temperature levels, and heat cost) and consumer characteristics (location, required minimal temperature, and heat demand) the PATHOPT tool provides the following output measures:

  • Pipe layout and dimensioning
  • optimal heat production unit selection and dimensioning, including peak units
  • Thermal-hydraulic information, temperature and pressure at any location
  • Economic considerations like CAPEX, OPEX, and revenue

The importance of topology

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How does PATHOPT work?

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Contact us!

Erik De Schutter
Business Developer Thermal Energy Systems at EnergyVille/VITO
maarten blommaerts

Contact us!

Maarten Blommaert
Professor at EnergyVille/KU Leuven, Geel campus
+32 16 32 28 73