Workshop: Impact of electric vehicles on parking regulation



IEA HEV TCP: Task49 – EV Fire Safety

Online webinar – 22 April 2024 (14h00 – 16h00, CET time)
Speaker: Carlo Mol – Task Manager Task49 – EnergyVille/VITO

During this first workshop of IEA HEV TCP – Task49 – “EV Fire Safety”, the overall objectives of this new task will be presented by Task Manager Carlo Mol (VITO, Belgium). Task49 on “EV Fire Safety” has been initiated because, although we see a growing interest in electric mobility from policymakers, companies and end users, there is still some lack of trust in the safety aspects of electric vehicles. Task49 wants to collect and share objective information on different EV fire safety-related aspects to increase the overall trust in electric vehicles.

This workshop will focus on the impact of electric vehicles on parking regulations. Parking lots will play a crucial role in the roll-out of the needed charging infrastructure for the growing number of electric vehicles. To complement home and on-street charging, a huge amount of charging infrastructure needs to be installed in public parking lots in the coming years. Many involved stakeholders have questions and concerns about the extra fire safety risks caused by electric vehicles, especially in underground parking lots, and are wondering if and which extra safety mitigation measures need to be taken.
What will be the impact of electric vehicles on future parking regulations?

Different Task49 member countries will present their experiences on the impact of electric vehicles on the local parking regulation: what has been changed specifically for electric vehicles? Or did nothing change at all? What will be the next steps? After that, a moderated Q&A session will give the workshop participants the chance to ask questions or to give feedback on their own experiences.

The focus will be mainly on passenger cars, but other types of vehicles (heavy-duty and light electric vehicles) can be addressed in the Q&A and can be a topic of future workshops.


Start: 14h00 – End: 16h00
Duration: 2 hours

  1. Welcome & introduction to IEA HEV TCP – Task49 – “EV Fire Safety” (Carlo Mol, VITO) (15’)
  2. Impact of electric vehicles on parking regulation (15’ for each presentation)
    1. In Belgium (Bart Vanbever, Agoria and FireForum)
    2. In The Netherlands (Tom Hessels, NIPV)
    3. In Austria (Hannes Kern, IRIS)
    4. In UK (Asiq Mohamed or Grace Carroll, UK Office for Zero Emission Vehicles)
    5. On European level (Aleksandra Klenke – DG MOVE & Eugenio Quintieri – Fire Safe Europe, EC Sustainable Transport Forum Task Force Fire Safety)
  3. Q&A – Interaction with speakers and participants on experiences and expectations (30’)


Start: 22 april 2024
14:00 (UTC/GMT +02:00 – Europe / Brussels)
End: 22 april 2024
16:00 (UTC/GMT +02:00 – Europe / Brussels)

Location: Online event